Physical Education
At Worple, we are a team, promoting a passion for sports and building resilience for competitions. We want our children to engage in physical activity in a safe and supportive environment where they can strive for greatness and achieve it. We want pupils to leave Worple with a thirst for physical activity that leads them on to have active futures.
Our inclusive practice at Worple ensures that all children in their PE lessons can enjoy, learn and grow. Our lessons provide children with a secure environment where they feel they can try new things whilst building on pre-existing skills. Our curriculum design addresses not only the physical elements to PE but the social, emotional and thinking skills.
At Worple our aims are to enable the children to:
- develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
- be physically active for sustained periods of time
- engage in competitive sports and activities
- lead healthy, active lives
At Worple we provide a broad range of physical activities that are tailored to the specific needs of the children. Starting at Nursery, the foundation of our PE curriculum is embedded, enabling the children to build and progress on each skill throughout their journey in Worple. Children enjoy learning a variety of sports and skills, ranging from yoga, net and ball, hockey, swimming and much more.
Pupils engage in 1.5 hours of high-quality PE lessons each week, which enables them to learn a variety of different skills including movement, performance and competence. Every year, skills taught build on prior knowledge, ensuring children have the opportunities to consolidate and develop their skills. This is laid out in the long-term plan where progression of skills can clearly be identified.
Our staff at Worple teach PE through GetSet4PE programme of work, which is designed to inspire and engage children, allowing them to explore and develop skills and embed knowledge. A Sports Impact coach works every week with two classes to ensure teachers are confident and equipped in delivering our curriculum to a high standard.
Using GetSet4PE ensures teachers cover the following domains of knowledge:
- Athletics (running, jumping, throwing, catching)
- Dance and movement (movement, rhythm, performance)
- Team games (competition, attacking, defending)
- Gymnastics (balance, shape, travelling, sequences, flexibility, strength, control)
- Swimming (water safety, different strokes, confidence)
- Outdoor adventures (orientation, problem solving, navigation, maps, compasses)
At play time, our Play Leaders lead active clubs for the younger pupils based on their own skill set. This encourages independence, leadership and communication. Children aspire to be like their Play Leaders and always keen to participate.
In addition to this, we host a range of after school clubs each term for pupils to enjoy. Based on pupil voice, we offer tag rugby, football and multisport most frequently.
The impact of this curriculum design will ensure children leave Worple with a love for physical activity and understanding of its social and mental benefits. Assessment and tailored learning will enable ALL children at Worple receive the same passion and enjoyment from their PE lessons.
A wide range of strategies are used to measure the impact of our PE curriculum at Worple. Most commonly used is teacher formative assessment, we believe that in the moment verbal feedback is the most effective and beneficial to pupil and teacher. We ensure that progression is measured through pupil voice, photo and video evidence.
Additional Links:
Competition, Performance & Sports Premium information